Congratulations to Pest Free Kaipātiki who today made it through the final hoop to acquire the former Glenfield Bowling Club building at Ross Reserve, Glenfield! This is going to be a fantastic base for PFK to use to grow and continue their fantastic work in nurturing volunteer groups and neighbourhoods to restore our parks and natural environment.
Today the Governing Body (the Mayor and Councillors) approved transferring the ownership of the building to PFK. The Kaipātiki Local Board had previously approved a ground lease at the reserve (and also the transfer of the building, however it turned out we didn’t have the authority to do that. Whoops!). Since then, public and iwi consultation on the lease has been completed, with no objections.
Have a listen to this video which includes a presentation from Jo Knight on behalf of Pest Free Kaipātiki, myself on behalf of the Kaipātiki Local Board, and then the discussion and voting on the decision.