After a petition from residents and many complaints about safety concerns at the Paragon Ave/Beach Haven Rd intersection, last year AT installed a Give Way sign and some yellow lines.
However, AT didn’t extend the lines far enough on Beach Haven Rd to the west of the intersection, meaning that parked cars still block visibility when exiting Paragon Ave, leading to near-misses.
Today a majority (6:2) on the Kaipātiki Local Board voted to commit funding to extending the lines and resolving this safety issue once and for all (even though it was against the advice of AT who do not want to set a precedent at similar intersections across Auckland!).

My mother lives in Paragon Ave she is 80 years old she loves to pick up her friends in her car an go to Glenfield mall for coffee, it always worries me when she drives out of Paragon Ave, I tell her to take another way, she shouldn’t have to do that cause our roads should be made safe. When it comes to risk management this issue should of be highlighted under a critical risk. it shocks me that there has been no thought process about this hazard. Its great to see the elderly have some travel independence but at what cost. please eliminate this critical risk. I didn’t realize yellow paint was worth more then gold.