The Kaipatiki Local Board is working with mana whenua to restore Māori names and narratives to a number of our parks and our three libraries as part of Auckland Council’s Te Kete Rukuruku programme. Some parks will officially have dual names (both Te Reo and English names), while others will have sole Te Reo names.
Last week the local board approved Shepherds Park, Beach Haven, as being a flagship park with dual naming and full bi-lingual signage throughout the park that will be celebrated with a whakarewatanga/launch event. This is expected to be later this year or early next year.
The local board also approved the name “Wai Manawa” as the official Te Reo name for the whole Little Shoal Bay Reserve and Le Roys Bush Reserve area. Wai Manawa had previously been included as part of the name identified by mana whenua for the Birkenhead lookout Kaimataara ō Wai Manawa, which looks out over Le Roys Bush Reserve. New signage will be installed throughout Le Roys and Little Shoal Bay reflecting the dual names.
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