The new tracks at Eskdale Reserve Network are now open, including the new entrance on Glenfield Road near the roundabout!
The tracks have been simplified and re-routed away from kauri trees. They are now smooth and step-free, although wheelchair users may need some assistance in places.
New entrance signage and directional signage within the park will be installed in the coming months.
Please stay on the tracks and use the new shoe-cleaning stations to help prevent kauri dieback entering the park. Bikes are able to use the new tracks (with caution around pedestrians), however the wheel-cleaning stations are still to come.
The Kaipatiki Local Board and Kaipātiki Project will be holding an official open day in the coming weeks, and there are a few feeder tracks that will be upgraded in the next stage of work, however the bulk of the tracks are now finished, so go check them out!

  • Funded through the Natural Environment Targeted Rate and the Kaipātiki Local Board asset renewal work programme.

One Thought on “Eskdale Reserve Network tracks are open!”

  • Oh please tell me they haven’t destroyed it with gravel? A few years ago I was in the Waitakere Ranges a couple of times a week but almost never visit now because of this insanity. It’s horrible hearing “crunch crunch crunch” every damn step. I used to visit these places to get away from concrete and feel the soft ground under my feet. I also like being under the canopy of trees so walking on sand or grass on a barren beach or reserve isn’t nearly the same. The council are one by one removing every single track where you could have that natural experience.

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