Preliminary work at the Archers Rd/Coronation Rd intersection has finished and the new roundabout will be built in either early-March or during the April school holidays (dates to be confirmed). When that happens, the intersection will be closed for up to 8 days for construction.

In the meantime, you may have noticed that roundabout signs have been installed at the intersection, and that the Stop sign at the top of Archers Rd has been changed to a Give Way sign. This is because a painted roundabout will be installed tonight (weather permitting), similar to what we’ve had at the Ocean View Rd/Northcote Rd intersection recently. This is a temporary measure until the real roundabout is built. Please treat it like a real roundabout.

NOTE: Photo taken before the new roundabout signs were installed.

One Thought on “Update on the Archers Rd/Coronation Rd intersection”

  • Update on the Archers Rd/Coronation Rd intersection. Hi John, Some positive feedback, this has made a huge difference. Its a great result that has proven very effective at slowing down the traffic and allowing it to flow from all three roads. Cheers, Lawrence.

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