I’m pleased to say that I’ve now had confirmation from Auckland Transport that the work currently underway is indeed the long-awaited upgrade of the intersection and creation of the new roundabout. The Kaipātiki Local Board had been told that this project was pushed out to late next year due to Council’s Emergency Budget, but it seems to have been brought forward again. 🥳
A traffic light system is currently in place 🚦, and with the footpath work underway on Archers Road, you may want to avoid this area at busy times of the day. Work should be finished early next year (although I don’t have an exact date). Attached is the latest plan that I have for the intersection, and photos taken today of the progress made so far.
For more information, see: https://at.govt.nz/about-us/have-your-say/north-auckland-consultations/coronation-and-archers-road-glenfield-intersection-upgrade/
Funded from the Kaipātiki Local Board’s Transport Community Safety Fund.