The recreational wharf has had restrictions on it for a few years now due to the piles and stairs deteriorating. And because of the heritage designation and engineering considerations, it has taken a very long time to achieve all of the required consents needed to rebuild the wharf. But the end is now in sight!
The project has been approved to go out for tender, which should happen in mid-January. A contract for construction should then be approved in late-February. But it could then take up to 3 months for the parts to be fabricated for the new pontoon portion, as there are only two NZ manufacturers and there are world-wide supply chain delays for steel. So realistically, construction should be underway sometime between April – June 2021.
Background: The project to replace the Beach Haven Wharf will rebuild the damaged parts of the wharf and piles, strengthening and upgrading it to today’s safety standards, while keeping the heritage style of the wharf and providing a new floating pontoon platform for fishing and diving. See the attached design approved by the Kaipātiki Local Board last year.