Have your say on the Kaipātiki Local Board’s 3-year plan for our area!Have we got it right?
Is anything missing? Your feedback will help to shape the final plan. #lovelocal
Consultation is open online until 4pm Thursday 13th August.
- Have your say online here:
https://akhaveyoursay.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz/kaipatikiplan - Download the plan here:
https://akhaveyoursay.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz/kaipatikiplan/widgets/298927/documents - Our Auckland article:
There are also two events being held where you can discuss or present your thoughts:
- World Café – 1:30pm-3:30pm Weds 5 August:
This is a less formal, interactive event. The table-based discussions provide the opportunity to explore and discuss priorities of the draft plan in some detail. The event is split into two sessions that will run for 90mins each. Before the event, it is recommended that you have read the draft plan, although this is not essential. Light refreshments will be provided.
- Hearing – 2pm-6pm Weds 12 August:
This is a more formal event. Each person will be allotted a time to speak to the local board on the topic of their choice, followed by questions if there are any. Before the event, it is recommended that you have read the draft plan and have made a submission, although this is not essential. We will ask you for a copy of your submission ahead of the event so we can put them together for the local board.