Another unfortunate casualty of Council’s Emergency Budget: Major delay to the Birkenhead grandstand’s replacement building…
The grandstand at Birkenhead War Memorial Park was demolished in late-2018, and the replacement multi-sport building is being funded from a council fund called “One Local Initiative” (OLI).
However, the Emergency Budget proposes a “major delay” to OLI projects. The new building was already not going to open until 2028, but the Kaipātiki Local Board has received advice that the proposed delay in the Emergency Budget means that it could now be pushed out as far as 2033!
“Major delay to all One Local Initiatives (key programmes for local boards to provide/upgrade community assets and facilities) and to the growth/development programme unless the works are already contractually committed.”
– Emergency Budget Supporting Information, page 24.
Please have your say on the budget here:
Consultation is open until 19 June.
Download PDFs of the consultation document and supporting information here: