As we move into Alert Level 3, some council projects will be starting up again, but with protocols in place to prevent viral transmission.
From the end of this week, stage 2 of the Le Roy’s Bush Reserve track upgrades will begin, and will continue in stages until late-August. A helicopter will be used to drop in materials over the next week.
The tracks from Dudding Sportsfield to the end of the new boardwalk that was built in stage 1 (see highlighted area on the attached map: S12, S14) and the track from Fairfax Ave (S13) will be closed until work is completed at the end of June.
When that has been completed, the tracks from Dudding Sportsfield to Wilding Ave (S16, S17, S18, S19) will be closed for work until approximately the end of July. The track from Onewa Road (S2) will be worked on in July or August.