Unfortunately over the last few days, Council has had to temporarily close a number of bush tracks in our area that contain kauri trees. I’m not sure of the exact tracks that have been closed, but the following parks are affected:
- Eskdale Reserve Network (including Birkenhead Domain)
- Kauri Glen Reserve/Cecil Eady Reserve
- Chelsea Estate Heritage Park
- Birkenhead War Memorial Park.
I’ve requested maps showing exactly which tracks have been closed and will make those public once I receive them.
It is really bad timing with everyone out for daily walks, however it was a necessary decision to protect kauri trees from dieback disease. Under Alert Level 4, no-one is allowed to fill the spray bottles for cleaning shoes, and no-one should be using tracks near kauri if they haven’t sprayed their shoes, therefore the tracks have been temporarily closed. Tracks that have already had in-ground cleaning stations installed remain open.
I’ve heard that some of the tracks that have been closed do not contain kauri, which may be an error and I’m following up on those.