Hi everyone. There is a lot of confusion over where people can walk and exercise while we’re at Alert Level 4. Especially as the rules and advice are a little vague and seem to change daily…
So I’ve spoken to senior police about how the rules are being enforced on the North Shore, and reviewed the latest info on the NZ COVID-19 website.
Here are some guidelines to staying as safe as possible and out of trouble:
- Wear shoes at all times.
- Stay in your local, immediate area. Try to stay within your suburb.
- You can walk, scooter or cycle to a local park, beach or bushwalk for exercise only (not a picnic, playing, frisbee, etc), but stay 2m from everyone at all times. DON’T TOUCH ANYTHING! Don’t touch letterboxes, bus shelters, playground equipment, exercise equipment, picnic tables, seats, signs, drinking fountains, little libraries, community pantries, etc. Don’t let your children pick up sticks, stones, etc. Don’t touch any dogs or other animals. Avoid parts of the park where you could get injured or lost.
- Dogs must be on leads everywhere and at all times, even in off-leash areas and dog exercise areas. Keep 2m from other dog owners.
- You may drive to a LOCAL park to exercise, but keep as local as possible (within your suburb). No, you can’t drive to Takapuna Beach!
- You may cycle further, but still keep as local as possible and stay 2m from everyone at all times. Remember that the purpose is for exercise, so avoid areas where you could get injured or lost.
- Do not go into schools for any reason. All school grounds have been closed by the Ministry of Education.
- No boating, paddleboarding, kayaking, surfing. Message from the Harbour Master: “Basically, unless it is essential to be on the water, you shouldn’t be out there. If someone is in a kayak or dinghy etc and needed help they are tying up resources or putting those who come to help at risk. Same with surfing and stand up paddle boarding.”
- Wash your hands with soap when you get home.
NOTE: There is now an increased police presence 24/7 across the North Shore to help deal with COVID-19 matters and complaints. If you have any concerns about a gathering of people, you can contact Police via the website: 105.police.govt.nz
or the non-emergency phone number: 105
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