Auckland Transport are proposing changes to the Sunset Road/Target Road/Caribbean Drive roundabout, as well as other improvements on Sunset Road. The proposed changes include:

  • Additional traffic lanes on all legs of the roundabout. Space for the extra lanes is being created by:
    • Removing sections of on-street parking from all roundabout approaches and exits.
    • Widening the road (kerb realignments on the east and north sides of the roundabout).
    • Footpath realignments.
  • Installation of Swedish Speed Tables on all roundabout approaches and exits.
  • New pedestrian crossings over the Swedish Speed Tables. The pedestrian crossings include new pram crossings, and refuge islands halfway across the road. Pedestrians will still need to give-way to vehicles.
  • New footpath connections and footpath widening.
  • Installation of new pram crossings and a pedestrian refuge island outside 78/59A Sunset Road.
  • Changes to bus stops and shelters. This includes two sections of on-street parking removal on Sunset Road just north of Trias Road:
    • Relocate the bus stop from outside 49B Sunset Road, to outside 51 Sunset Road (approximately 10m closer the roundabout) and install a new bus shelter.
    • Relocate the bus stop and shelter from outside 78 Sunset Road to outside 82 Sunset Road.
    • Upgrade the existing bus stop at 57A Sunset Rd to meet the Auckland Transport Code of Practice

More information:
Drop-in session: 4pm to 8pm, Monday, 4 November at Reformed Church of the North Shore, 76 Trias Road, Totara Vale.

Feedback closes Sunday 10 November 2019.
Please submit your feedback using the below survey link, or comment below and I will pass it on:

2 Thoughts on “Proposed changes: Sunset Road/Target Road/Caribbean Drive roundabout”

  • Proposed changes: Sunset Road/Target Road/Caribbean Drive
    We have had 4 major crashes on Caribbean drive in the last 6 months caused by speed as the road is wide and encourages drivers to pick up speed.
    As you are shortly going to do changes to this road can we (residents on Caribbean drive) ask that some speed bumps also be put in place around the area 71 Caribbean drive up to 91 Caribbean drive?
    This would create a much safer environment for us.
    We hope to hear back from you soon
    Kind regards
    Andrea Te Maari
    (Resident at 83 Caribbean drive)

    • Hi Andrea. My apologies, I’ve just seen your message. I’ll pass your request on to Auckland Transport and to the Upper Harbour Local Board chairperson. Unfortunately this is just outside of my local board area (it ends close to the roundabout) so isn’t something that I can influence. Cheers 🙂

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