Vote for Action on the Environment!
The Shore Action team is proud of its record on protecting the environment! Please vote for the Shore Action team to continue this important work.
Under our leadership on the Kaipātiki Local Board, we have supersized the environmental budget (increase of 40%), including the following initiatives:
- Prevention of Kauri Dieback Disease: rerouting of tracks through our bush reserves away from our precious kauri trees, funding for the installation of shoe cleaning stations, investigation of new non-kauri routes. Some parks have been fully closed for maximum protection of kauri.
- Pest-Free Kaipātiki Strategy: for continued pest animal and plant removal together with habitat and species restoration in our bush reserves and wider community.
- Industry Pollution Prevention: site inspections, spill training and education for industry and business owners about the impacts their activities may be having on local waterways. Areas include Highbury, Baypark Industrial Estate, Wairau Valley.
- Stream Quality Monitoring: a new water quality monitoring programme of stream sites around the Kaipātiki area.
- Ngahere Strategy: we’ve included Kaipātiki in the programme to increase Auckland’s urban tree canopy.
- Park Naturalisation: the implementation of pollinator paths, food forests, natural meadows and stream daylighting.
- Small Building Sites Ambassador: to reduce the environmental impact of small building sites. The ambassador works alongside the council’s compliance team to reduce the amount of sedimentation and litter entering our waterways.
- Open Space Management Plan: the creation of a single reserve management plan that sets out actions needed to protect and enhance all of our local parks and reserves. This includes the classification of all parcels of parkland to ensure they come under the protection of the Reserves Act 1977.
- Kaipātiki Project Environmental Centre: funding for the continued support of the operations of Kaipātiki Project, and funding a new green environmental centre building at Lauderdale Reserve.
For more info, see our website: