You may have read some misinformation from some confused Kaipātiki local board candidates on our proposal for a Beach Haven Coastal Connection that will link Tui Park to Shepherds Park, and then on to connect with the Bayview Coastal Walkway and Eskdale Reserve Network. This will not only be an exciting recreational route, but is really important when other tracks are being temporarily closed to protect kauri from dieback disease.
So here are some facts:

  • There is not $2 million allocated to this project as they claim. There is $1.5 million tagged to it, and $1.1 million of that can ONLY be spent on new walking/cycling connections because it is the remaining budget from our Kaipātiki Connection Network Plan.
  • The alternative projects that they say they would like to spend the budget on are already funded! The exception is the Marae, which is a third-party project that we have supported by funding the planning stage and are now waiting for it to receive resource consent so it can be progressed further.
  • Options for the coastal connection project are coming to the 18 September Kaipātiki Local Board meeting for approval to go out for full public consultation where everyone can have their say.


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