OurAuckland Article: https://ourauckland.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz/articles/news/2019/07/kaipatiki-project-to-gain-improved-facilities/
The Kaipatiki Local Board recently approved the location, design and funding for a fantastic new building for Kaipātiki Project so they can continue to provide their much-needed environmental education at 17 Lauderdale Road 🙂
Thankyou to everyone involved in this journey, including the Kaipatiki project team, council staff and Danielle Grant the Local Board liaison to Kaipātiki Project.
Local Board Chair John Gillon says the new building is much needed. “It will be a smart new Green Building and will replace the current one which is cold, damp and leaking,” says Gillon.
“It will be built in the same location within Lauderdale Reserve, next to the native nursery, and will ensure that the Kaipātiki Project can continue to deliver important environmental education and restoration for many years to come,” he says.