Freedom Camping Newsflash 2: Freedom Camping to be allowed on all roads, if councillors approve the revised Freedom Camping Bylaw.
The Freedom Camping hearing panel deliberations continued today, and legal opinion is that they are unable to include a “General Rule” to restrict freedom camping from all roads and other areas not specifically mentioned in the proposed bylaw. This is because the Regulatory Committee chose to exclude it from the public consultation process. In order to include it, they would need to go out for public consultation again, which would not likley happen until next year.
The implication of this is that if councillors adopt the Freedom Camping Bylaw as recommended by the Hearing Panel, any area not specified by the bylaw, or does not already have parking restrictions (such as broken yellow lines), will be opened up to freedom camping.
One exception to the above in the Kaipatiki area is a few streets around Onepoto Domain, as a large number of submitters asked for the park prohibition to be extended to nearby roads.