Concerned Birkenhead residents at tonight’s public meeting on the controversial development proposed for 2 & 2a Tizard Road. Although the sites are zoned for single houses, a loophole allows the 4 storey, 10 unit development to be proposed as an “integrated residential development”.
However, putting aside that and the potential precedent it would set for all single house zoned properties, this particular clifftop site is very unsuitable for such a large development for a number of reasons, including the extent of the excavation, risk to cliff stability, the 56 “screw anchors” into the neighbouring reserve and road, the removal of a SEA area and covenant area, and a number of other non-complying aspects.
The Kaipatiki Local Board has already opposed the proposal and have requested speaking rights at the public hearing.
Thankyou to those who organised the meeting tonight and for everyone who attended!
Below is a great drone video showing the site at the top of the cliff (where the poisoned pohutakawa are):