Auckland Transport are proposing to install a new 400m southbound T3 lane, operating between 6:30am-10am Monday to Friday, on Birkenhead Avenue between Recreation Drive and just before the intersection with Onewa Road.
The lane configuration on approach to the Onewa Road intersection is proposed to be altered to support the transit lane.
On-street parking is proposed to be removed along the opposite (western) side of the road, as there would no longer be sufficient road-width available to accommodate it.
A signalised pedestrian crossing is proposed to be installed outside 129 Birkenhead Ave, and the existing pedestrian refuge crossing outside 147 Birkenhead Ave is proposed to be removed.
Feedback closes Thursday 4th April 2019.
Submit your feedback at the below link or add your comments below and I will pass them on:
Reference number: NOP1819-013