UPDATE: The Northcote Fairy Door list has been updated! Please download and print it out, or you can pick up a copy from the Northcote Senior Citizens Hall just up from the Northcote Library.
Or if you’d prefer to keep using your current copy, please cross out the two instances of “St Peters Street” as they are an error. Apologies for any confusion!
“Where the Fairies Live – Kaipātiki” is now open!
There are 110 fairy doors to find across the Kaipātiki Local Board area, divided into 5 entry forms!
You can view/download the forms from here, or pick up hard copies from your local community centre.
To enter, you simply need to find the park, locate the door, record the door number on the entry form beside the corresponding park.
Find as many as you can before Friday 29 March, then drop off your form to your local community centre.
NOTE: All doors are located close to the pathway, so please don’t trample our planted green spaces. There are no doors in any parks closed for kauri dieback prevention.
For more information, stay tuned to the Kaipatiki Local Board facebook page, or on your local community centre page.
A huge thanks to the Birkdale Beach Haven Community Project INC for planning and co-ordinating this, along with Bayview Community Centre,Glenfield Community Centre, Highbury Community House and Early Learning Centre, Kaipatiki Community Facilities Trust, and all of the volunteers involved!
Funded by the Kaipatiki Local Board via our community grants scheme 🙂
Good morning – my girls and I are off hunting fairies again this afternoon after school and daycare.
I had a question re the Northcote form – St Peters St is on there twice, as well as Tuff Crater (Northcote Lookout) – which is on St Peters St. We live on the street and have found the Lookout door, but just wanted to check if there really are 2 more somewhere on St Peters St (as have been unable to find them if they are!).
Hi Megan. I’m pretty sure it is an error, and I’ve already enquired about it. I suspect that the Tuff Crater one is the correct one and both St Peters Streets are wrong, but will reply here when I have that confirmed. Cheers 🙂
Hi Megan. I’ve confirmed that this is an error and neither of the “St Peters Street” options should be listed. There is just one door at Tuff Crater Reserve at the St Peters Street entrance to the park. An updated version of the Northcote fairy door list is coming.Sorry for the confusion!
I went today with my daughter to Bayview community centre but did not see any numbers
Hi Bianca. I’m not sure where it is, but I’ll be visiting the Bayview Community Centre tomorrow for the Repair Cafe, so will see if I can find it 🙂
Hi Bianca. The fairy door is on the front of the building and it has a two-digit number on it. Cheers 🙂
UPDATE: The Northcote Fairy Door list has been updated! Please download and print it out, or you can pick up a copy from the Northcote Senior Citizens Hall just up from the Northcote Library.
Or if you’d prefer to keep using your current copy, please cross out the two instances of “St Peters Street” as they are an error. Apologies for any confusion!
Hi there, me and my daughter started the Glenfield list yesterday and went to multiple places and found the numbers just fine but couldn’t find one at Linely Reserve.
Hi Rebecca. The Linley Res door was replaced last week as it had gone missing. I hope it hasn’t gone again! I’ll ask the Glenfield Community Centre who are responsible for maintaining the Glenfield doors to have a look. By the way, apparently there is an extra door at Hillcrest Reserve that was missed off the list… Thanks!
Hi Rebecca. The Linley Reserve one is near the fairy village within the bush part of the park. It is closest to the Hume Drive entrance. I can confirm that it is still there.

Hi there,
There is a “Raleigh Road Reserve” on the list for Northcote. I can’t find that on any map and Google doesn’t show any results either. Can you confirm what the name of the reserve is? There aren’t any reserves along Raleigh Rd as far as I’m aware.
Thank you 🙂
Hi Laura. Google Maps doesn’t have a lot of our parks on it, unfortunately. Yes it is on Raleigh Road, but isn’t well signposted. It has an open area and a path through to James Evans Drive. One of the great things about the Fairy Doors is that it is helping people to discover new parks 🙂
Thank you! Yes I found it earlier on Apple Maps but not on Google. Looks like someone’s front garden if you don’t know where it is 😉
Hi my name is Caroline, my daughter is wondering when the fairy door competition will be drawn, she very excited/anxious, cheers
Hi Caroline. The entries are currently being counted and we’re hoping to have a result by Thursday. Good luck! Cheers 🙂
Hi, Just wondering why the results of this were never published. I queries this previously but didn’t get any response. Quite disappointing as my kids went to a lot of effort to find these and I can’t even tell them if winners were ever even drawn. Does not really encourage participation for the next time…
Hi Genevere. I’m very sorry – I missed your comment!

Here are the results of the fairy door competition:
Hi I know the competition part of this has finished but I was just wondering if the doors have been removed or are they staying indefinitely? Also I am in south auckland and was wondering if you know of any over this way? Thank you Cherie
Hi Cherie. My apologies for the long delay in replying! They haven’t been removed, but they are not currently being replaced if they are damaged, so not all of them are still there.
In April next year, we will be launching a similar activity, but this time it will be dinosaurs that need to be found in our parks!
Sorry, I’m not aware of any similar activities in South Auckland 🙁 Cheers, John Gillon.