Work to upgrade some of the walking tracks in Le Roys Bush Reserve has started and will continue for the next 3-4 months.
Thankyou to the Friends of Le Roys Bush volunteer group who have produced this map to show where you can and can’t go while the work is underway.
The work will include repairing broken boardwalk, widening boardwalk, improving drainage at muddy sections of track, and bringing tracks up to kauri dieback-prevention standard.
You may see helicopters dropping off material from time-to-time 🙂

This is fab! after moving in December to Birkenhead from Birkdale and doing the walk it near daily. This walk is stunning and I am very happy and glad to see updates up to kauri dieback prevention standards!
Just wondering if there is any update on when the waterfall track down to little shoal bay might open again?
Hi Elland. I’m really sorry for not getting back to you sooner. My understanding is it isn’t far off from being finished, however I’ve requested an update from the project manager. Cheers 🙂
Is the track work complete? Thank you
Hi Elizabeth. I’m really sorry for not getting back to you sooner. My understanding is it isn’t far off from being finished, however I’ve requested an update from the project manager. Cheers 🙂
Hi Elizabeth. I’ve been advised that it will be completed in a couple of weeks. It is still awaiting a Code of Compliance before it can be opened to public use. Cheers 🙂