It’s third-time lucky for the design for this intersection! Here is the revised proposal which is back to being a roundabout (something I’m happy with!). Have your say on the design at the below link.
Auckland Transport are proposing to install a new roundabout at the intersection of Bentley and Chartwell Avenues, including removal of the existing slip lane and construction of pedestrian refuge islands and raised zebra crossings. This intersection has been identified as high risk with an existing crash pattern between vehicles travelling northbound along Chartwell Avenue and vehicles turning right into Bentley Avenue from the northern leg of Chartwell Avenue. Although we have previously consulted on alternative layouts at this location, we believe that the proposed would provide the most safety benefits for drivers and people walking at this location by raising awareness and clarifying priority at the intersection.
Click here to give your feedback:
Or comment below and I’ll pass it on.
Feedback closes: 4 December 2018
Reference Number: RS1617-044C