Dan Bidois MP has launched a petition for Auckland Transport to upgrade the Northcote Point Wharf to an all-weather facility. I have signed it.
It was really disappointing when an upgrade of the wharf wasn’t included in the Auckland Transport’s 10 year Regional Land Transport Plan (RLTP) earlier this year, especially when it was the main topic that Deputy Chair Danielle Grant and I advocated to the AT board on behalf of the Local Board. And that was before the wharf was closed due to structural issues.
Now that these issues have been found, it is a golden opportunity for AT to do the right thing and bring forward the funding and upgrade of the wharf. If it is only reinstated to what we already had, then it will continue to be the most unreliable and closed public transport facility in Auckland. An upgrade is essential, even if it means a longer construction period.
The Kaipatiki Local Board have given an in-principle allocation of $2million from our transport capital fund towards upgrading the wharf to an all-weather facility.
As chair of the Local Board, I have requested speaking rights at AT’s November meeting where they will be making the decision on the future of the wharf.
Petition: https://www.ipetitions.com/petition/northcote-point-ferry-terminal
Article: https://www.stuff.co.nz/auckland/local-news/north-shore-times/107752378/mp-bidois-launches-petition-to-pressure-at-for-ferry-project-funding