Auckland Transport are proposing to improve safety at the intersection of Rodney Road and Queen Street in Northcote Point with a new pedestrian crossing, raised speed table and changes to parking. Our proposal responds to community concerns and Kaipatiki Local Board requests to address the safety of all road users and provide better connections for pedestrians. This involves changing half the existing angle parking to parallel parking.

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Feedback closes: Wednesday 27 June.

Pedestrian safety improvements:
* Installation of a raised zebra crossing with kerb buildouts at the intersection of Rodney Road and Queen Street, Northcote Point.
* The proposed installation of a speed table outside property 12 Rodney Road.
* Half of existing angle parking to be removed and remarked as parallel parking.

Rodney Road:
* Proposed raised zebra crossing 6m wide (4m flat top, 1m ramps), with associated signs and road marking and kerb buildouts.
* Trim vegetation.
* Retain existing angled parking on Rodney Road from Intersection with Queen St to 3 Rodney Road and remove wheel stops (x 12) and widen the footpath to existing fence line/property line at this location.
* Extend no stopping lines parking restrictions to achieve the required sight distance.
* Proposed tree on footpath as part of Northcote cycleway project.
* Proposed speed table 8m wide (6m flat top, 1m ramps) – outside 12 Rodney Road.
* Existing angled parking to be removed and remark as parallel parking from property 3-9 Rodney Road.
* Lighting upgrade.

Queen Street:
* Zebra crossing sign with supplementary ‘on right’ sign.
* Install a new 6 metre wide raised zebra crossing with kerb buildouts at the intersection of Rodney Road and Queen Street, with a new zebra crossing sign on Queen Street.
* Install a new 8 metre wide raised speed table outside property number 12 on Rodney Road.
* Plant a new tree on the footpath as part of the Northcote Cycleway project.
* Retain the existing angled parking on Rodney Road from the intersection to number 3 but remove the wheel stops (x 12) and widen the footpath to the existing fence line.
* Remove the existing angled parking from property number 3 to property number 9 Rodney Road and remark this as parallel parking, and extend the no stopping parking restrictions to achieve the required sight distance.
* Upgrade lighting.

Why the changes are needed:
The purpose of this proposal is to provide essential connectivity and safe mobility for pedestrians, as there are currently no safe alternative crossing facilities provided.
The impact of the proposal on the intersection efficiency would be minimal as it runs parallel with the main movement – the north-south straight phase. The speed table on Rodney Road will provide a traffic calming effect on Rodney Road, providing safer speeds for pedestrians and all vulnerable road users.
The removal of existing angle parking, and remarking as parallel parking was in response to further site observations and safety concerns raised by the local community through the Local Board.

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