Northcote Wharf closure “deeply disappointing” for community
Shore Action Media Release
21 July 2018
Northcote Point’s popular ferry wharf was closed at 4pm on Wednesday 20th June until further notice. This was after Auckland Transport’s routine condition assessment on the wharf revealed further deterioration.
Shore Action and Kaipātiki Local Board Member Paula Gillon said: “This is a deeply disappointing situation for our community. The ferry services from this wharf are incredibly well used by patrons who want to avoid the gridlock on Onewa Road. While replacement buses are being put on by Auckland Transport, these passengers are still likely to suffer delays due to being forced to add to the congestion on our roads.”
“Even before this closure, the situation has been ridiculous where ferry patrons are reliant on text messages from AT to advise them whether ferries are even docking at Northcote Wharf due to the weather,” Gillon said.
The Kaipātiki Local Board have long been advocating for an all-weather berthing facility at Northcote Point
. “I was extremely disappointed to see that our community missed out in the recent Regional Land Transport Plan (RLTP) funding for this wharf to be upgraded to have an all-weather berthing facility,” said Gillon. “It is extremely short-sighted for Auckland Transport to have decided not to fund this in the next 10 years.”
Shore Action is calling upon Auckland Transport and the Council to re-examine their recent decision to not fund the upgrade of Northcote Wharf. This is a vital piece of Kaipātiki’s public transport network and the people of Northcote have waited too long for an all-weather berthing facility at Northcote Point.
For further information, contact Paula Gillon, 021 02951535.
NOTE: This is a media release from Shore Action and does not necessarily reflect the view of the Kaipātiki Local Board or Auckland Council.