One step closer to securing the future of Frank Larking’s boat!
OurAuckland article:
North Shore Times Article:…/iconic-auckland-play-boat-to-get-…
The Kaipatiki Local Board have resolved to allocate funding to restore and install the boat at Larkings Landing Reserve as a play item. This was the preferred option (out of seven possibilities) of the Beach Haven Placemaking Group, the Beach Haven Birkdale Residents Association and the Kaipatiki Local Board.
We want to include the community as much as possible, and utilise the wealth of skills and knowledge that has been offered, so we will be establishing a steering group, including various stakeholder and community groups, as well as myself and Adrian Tyler from the Local Board.
The estimate of cost for the project is $150,000, assuming that the boat does not break apart when moved. We have allocated a higher amount of $280,000, in case anything goes wrong and to ensure that the project doesn’t get held up. All savings will come back to the Local Board to be invested in other renewal projects.
Exact dates for the project are not confirmed yet, but it will be happening over the June 2018-July 2019 year.
The Kaipatiki Local Board resolution is below:
That the Kaipātiki Local Board:
a) approve option three in Attachment A to the agenda report, which is to renew the Hilders Park play boat by modifying and renewing the existing boat to become a play item on parkland at Larking’s Landing.
b) request Community Facilities staff establish a steering group comprised of relevant stakeholders, community groups, interested mana whenua and Member Adrian Tyler and Chair John Gillon as Local Board representatives, to implement option three.
c) approve allocation of $280,000 for the project “Hilders Park – remove and store boat and investigate options” as part of the 2018/2019 Kaipātiki Local Board Community Facilities Work Programme.