It will be a little while longer before a decision is made by Auckland Transport on when Northcote Wharf can reopen.
Recent bad weather has unfortunately hampered the ability of Auckland Transport staff and contractors to get onto and under the wharf to carry out more detailed assessments.
Buses are taking passengers from Northcote wharf to Birkenhead wharf to catch the ferry. Buses will run during morning and afternoon peak periods over the next week.

Northcote wharf remains closed until further notice
Auckland Transport media release
29 June 2018

Auckland Transport is continuing structural assessments on Northcote wharf after it had to be closed last week.

A recent routine maintenance check found that some of the wooden structural parts of the wharf need further inspection both above and below water to see if they need fixing or replacing, this meant AT had to close the wharf.

Once these assessments by timber and structural experts have been fully analysed a decision will be made about the future of the wharf.

AT hopes to be in a position to make a decision on whether the wharf can be reopened, or what remedial works need to be undertaken, in the coming weeks.

AT would like to thank customers and the local community for their patience and understanding.

Around 80 passengers a day use the Northcote ferry service.

AT has put on buses to take passengers from Northcote wharf to Birkenhead wharf to catch the ferry. Buses will run during morning and afternoon peak periods over the next week.


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