Kauri Dieback has been confirmed for the first time in the Kaipātiki Local Board area 🙁
A sample from Kauri Park, Birkenhead, has provided a positive result for the disease. Kauri Park is being closed today to prevent further spread, including the main entrance from Rangatira Road, and the connection between Kauri Road and Balmain Road. The neighbouring Muriel Fisher Reserve has also been closed temporarily.
This is a sobering reminder to always brush and clean your footwear and brush your dog’s feet before entering any forest containing kauri.
The Local Board had recently requested advice on closing the park as a preventative measure, and had also approved funding for upgrading the tracks in Kauri Park to help prevent dieback. We’ll be seeking advice on what should happen with that project.
More information: http://ourauckland.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz/articles/news/2018/7/kauri-dieback-confirmed-on-tree-in-north-shore-s-kauri-park/
Kaipātiki Local Board Chair John Gillon says the detection of the disease in the local board area is a concern.
“As a local board we have been working really hard to ensure that protection measures for kauri in our area are a priority, and while this confirms our worst fears, we are determined to do all we can with the council and the community to stop further spread.”
“I ask that the community please respect the closure in place while further investigation is carried out. We all need to do our part to keep this from spreading to other parks on the North Shore.”