Today the Kaipātiki Local Board (John Gillon & Danielle Grant) and Devonport-Takapuna Local Board (George Wood & Gavin Busch) presented appeals to the Local Government Commission on Auckland Council’s proposed changes to councillor ward boundaries.
Our concern is that because the Albany Ward is growing in population much faster than the North Shore ward, the two Albany councillors are each representing 20,000 more people than the North Shore councillors, which breaches the “fair representation” rule. Auckland Council are proposing to ignore this matter.
To resolve this issue, the boundary between the two wards would need to be adjusted northwards. The Kaipātiki Local Board argued that the boundary should be moved from Sunset Road to Upper Harbour Highway/Constellation Drive, which would transfer Unsworth Heights from Albany ward to North Shore ward. Similarly, the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board argued that the boundary should be moved north to transfer Campbells Bay and Mairangi Bay from Albany ward to North Shore ward.
The Local Government Commission will be conducting a site visit tomorrow before making a decision on this and other matters.
➡️ Read more in the Kaipatiki Local Board’s appeal here.