UPDATE: Auckland Transport have apologised for sending this brochure out to a very large area and not limiting it only to roads that are scheduled for chip sealling.

Oh dear, it looks like Auckland Transport have delivered the brochure “Why we’re chip sealing your road” to a lot of residents on roads that are not going to be chip sealed…
Please let me know if you do receive this, but don’t (necessarily) freak out if you get it. The road sealing maps for 2024/25 and 2025/26 are attached (subject to change).
Yes, Auckland Transport plans to eventually chip seal all suburban roads that carry less than 10,000 vehicles per day, but any main roads carrying over 10,000 vehicles per day will be staying as asphalt.
While the brochure does contain some useful information, it glosses over the common complaints about chip seal, including chips continuing to bleed for months – and sometimes years – into berms, driveways and homes, as well as leaching into the stormwater system, damaging vehicles and causing issues for cyclists, pedestrians and prams.

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