Have your say on the future of Auckland and Kaipātiki 🙂
Find our marquee at the Beach Haven Fun Run 2018 at Shepherds Park this Sunday from 10am.
The Kaipātiki topics are below:
- Do you support continuing the delivery of the Kaipātiki Connections Network Plan, including a coastal walking and cycling link between Tui Park and Shepherds Park in Beach Haven?
- Do you support replacing the condemned grandstand at Birkenhead War Memorial Park with a shared facility to accommodate different community and sporting users?
- What do you value most about the redevelopment plans for central Northcote? (i) a combined library, arts and community building; (ii) quality parks and public open spaces; (iii) safe and easy walking and cycling connections?
- Do you support greater investment into environmental projects such as the community-led Pest Free Kaipātiki initiative?
- Do you support the expansion of neighbourhood placemaking initiatives through our local community groups?
The regional topics and feedback form can be found here:
Submissions close 28 March.