Late last year, Auckland Transport agreed to delay the introduction to the T3 time extensions on Onewa Road and Lake Road, Northcote. The Kaipatiki Local Board asked them to investigate alternatives, such as a clearway when the T3 was not active, and dynamic lane control (reversible lane) during peak times.
The Local Board have now been advised that Auckland Transport do not support clearways nor dynamic lane controls on Onewa Rd, and that the T3 time extensions will be going ahead soon on both Onewa and Lake Roads (likley to be 6:30-10am and 4-7pm and introduced in 5-6 weeks).
The reason given for not supporting clearways is that they would “encourage more people to travel by car rather than look at alternatives”, even though clearways would stop buses and cars from having to zigzag between lanes.
The full presentation that we were given is now available online in the agenda for our Local Board meeting next week (pages 25-36) and we will be addressing this issue again at that meeting:
Meanwhile, the Akoranga Drive T2 lane extension times will kick in from 5th April: 6.30-10am; 4-7pm.