Auckland Transport are now intending to introduce the extensions to the Onewa Rd and Lake Rd T3 times around mid-April, despite Local Board concern. The new times will be 6:30-10am and 4-7pm.

As they do not support creating clearways in the transit lanes outside of the T3 times, the Local Board has passed the below resolution (not unanimous) expressing its disappointment at the lack of data provided to justify not supporting clearways, and has asked for Auckland Transport to instead investigate no-parking yellow lines (No Stopping At All Times) on Onewa Rd/Lake Rd T3 lanes going to the city.
Attached are a few graphs from Auckland Transport’s 2015 MR Cagney Report that show that extending the transit lane times will have little benefit to buses.

That the Kaipātiki Local Board:
c) thank Auckland Transport for temporarily deferring the extension of the Onewa Rd/Lake Rd transit lanes in response to concerns from the public.
d) disagrees with a ‘blanket approach’ to introducing transit lane time-extensions Auckland-wide, instead of times optimized for the local general traffic and PT passenger requirements.
e) is disappointed with the lack of data provided to the Kaipātiki Local Board against the introduction of daytime clearways on the Onewa Rd/Lake Rd transit lanes and the potential flow-on benefits of removing parked cars for buses and cyclists outside of transit lane times.
f) requests that Auckland Transport provide further information and data to the Kaipātiki Local Board on the destination and circumstances of Onewa Rd/Lake Rd commuters prior to any change to the transit lane times; noting that there are a large number of motorists who cannot move to public transport for a variety of reasons (including those who do not work in the city centre; those who need a vehicle during work hours; those who need to drop off/pick up children before/after work; those who have negotiated alternative work hours to avoid congestion when transit lanes are active, etc) who may be unfairly delayed, inconvenienced or stressed by the proposed transit lane time-extensions.
g) requests that Auckland Transport investigate No Stopping At All Times (NSAAT) markings on Onewa Rd/Lake Rd in the inward (city-bound) transit lanes, to ensure that buses and cyclists no longer need to manoeuvre around parked vehicles outside of transit lane hours.
h) receives the emails submitted to the Chair for tabling at the meeting from Dale Anthony and Samantha Wilson regarding T3 operating times on Onewa Road and Lake Road.
i) requests that this resolution be circulated to the appropriate Auckland Transport officers and the Auckland Transport Board of Directors.

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